SITTING The Sloucher

The Sloucher: Cuddling into a chair shows a relaxed attitude toward life. Slouchers are really saying, "I want to be held."
The Sprawler: The sprawler is an uninhibited lover who has few hangups about sex. When sprawlers sit, they take up the whole chair with their bodies inviting you in to their party.
The Ramrod: This is someone who sits at attention, back straight, knees together and feet planted firmly on the floor. If you're looking for someone who's a free spirit, look elsewhere.
The Retreater: Retreaters back into a chair as far as they can, pulling their legs back underneath them. This says, "You're going to have to work hard to make me enjoy this."
The Leg Crosser: With legs crossed and knees grasped firmly, the leg crosser is saying, "I need some convincing before this goes any further." While they may not be shy or uninterested in sex, leg crossers simply need a little more time before making a decision.
The Squirmer: People who have trouble sitting in one position for any length of time are usually athletic paramours. They clutch, squeeze and changes positions while in bed. Making love becomes a sporting event -- with everyone in the game a winner!
The Rebel: A rebel will sit in an unconventional way -- facing backwards, perching on an armrest, perhaps with a foot tucked underneath or better yet on a cozy beanbag chair. These people often look for new andunusual places for lovemaking.


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